Sunday 10 April 2016

Shooting Locations

We now started talking about our Evalution so Tyrell has also brought up our Shooting locations along with Danny of what we have done so far.

"For our title sequence, we as a group have decided long and hard in terms of the variety of different locations in which we are going to shoot our title sequence. Initially, we want to shoot at London's Shard building in order to have an establishing shot for where our Government meeting will be taking place. This proved to be highly effective for out title sequence because it is essentially a very busy place, involving lots of busy people trying to get to their destinations.

For our Illuminati sequence/Evangelist sequence, we decided that we want to shoot these scenes within our school's drama room. This proved to be a very good setting and location for these scenes as the room has many features in terms of lighting that we could mess around with and alter to our likings. We used low-key lighting for the Illuminati scene and we then contrasted using high-key lighting for the Evangelist scene. The drama room essentially provided an essence of eeriness and darkness, which is the route we were looking for for our title sequence.

For the actual government scene, we used our school's main library named the 'iBrary'. This proved to be effective as it had a wide and long table for all of our government/actors to sit on. We also had a projector which displayed the map behind the main government leader.

Finally, for our Scavengers and Rebels scene, we went to Fanny On The Hill park, creating a wooden stick hut and involving our actors climbing upon trees. We then went around the corner to shoot our Rebels scene, which featured a graffiti wall and had a gritty essence around the location, which me and Danny thought was perfect for the theme we were going for for this scene." -Tyrell

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