Create the opening titles of a new fiction film to last no more than 2 minutes. (NB You must not use copyrighted sound)
My new partners in crime for my new task is Danny Wright and Tyrell Bibbiani.
Research & Planning (Blog): 20
Title Sequences: 60
Evaluation: 20
Deadline: 24th of March 2016
the first cut will be screened 2 weeks earlier so around 10th of March
22nd of Febuary is the shooting dealine all of our footage needs to be done
Task 1
- You have to invent a new fiction film, it may be any genere
- In your groups, brainstorm possible film ideas. When you have 3 come up with a logline(one line summary) for each
- Note: whatever idea you settle on, you will have to make the title sequence and it will have to be conventianal to the genre you've chosen. So unless you've got a space suit at home, a film set in space might nat be a great idea. In the past, action, horror, thriller/ suspense,
Pitch Perfect
Aims: to be able to indicate the conventions of a pictch
and a presentation for your film.
1st pitch should be breif one short sentence should be perfect.
2nd people should already understand the building blocks of the pitch: buses, bombs, jaws, space, the seven deadly sins
The pitch combines the building blocks by using analogy, synthesis, juxtaposition example
jaws in space
A bomb on a bus
Snakes on a plane
1st pitch
2 what is the film really about
- what os the genre of the film?
- what other films in this genre have inspired your film/is your film similar to?
-Who is the targeted audience for your film?
-When will your film be released (summer,spring, autum, winter, awards season)
-How much money will your film cost
-how much money will your film make? demesticly and worldwide
-Who will star in your film?
-Who will direct your film?
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